Dear Investigators!

Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the ongoing restrictions, including those relating to the service, transportation and hospitality industries, we regret to inform you that we are forced to cancel our event this year.

It is an extremely difficult decision for us, but we must bear in mind that the possibility of reaching our convention has been very limited, and even, for some of our special guests, it has become impossible.

We hope that you will understand.

We don’t give up, though, and we want CarcosaCon to return to the cultist map. So today we can promise you that as soon as the the situation stabilizes, we will meet again for the glory of the Elder Ones.

Anyone who has purchased tickets (and accommodation) through our website is asked to contact us at: 

If you bought several tickets or you were going to take with you an accompanying person whose contact details were not included in our database, please send this information on.

Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn! 

Drodzy Badacze!

W związku z trwającą pandemią COVID-19 oraz wciąż trwającymi obostrzeniami, w tym tymi dotyczącymi branży usługowej, transportowej i hotelarskiej, z przykrością musimy poinformować, że jesteśmy zmuszeni odwołać w tym roku nasz event. 

Jest to dla nas niezmiernie trudna decyzja, musimy mieć jednak na uwadze to, że możliwość dotarcia na nasz konwent została bardzo ograniczona, a nawet, dla niektórych z naszych specjalnych gości, stało się to niemożliwe.

Mamy nadzieję, że spotka się to z Waszym zrozumieniem. 

Nie poddajemy się jednak i chcemy, by CarcosaCon wróciło na mapę kultystów. Dziś więc możemy Wam obiecać, że gdy sytuacja się ustabilizuje, spotkamy się na naszej imprezie ku chwale Przedwiecznych.

Każda osoba, która dokonała przez naszą stronę zakupu biletów (i zakwaterowania) proszona jest o kontakt pod adresem: 

Jeśli kupowaliście kilka biletów lub mieliście zamiar przyjechać z osobą towarzyszącą, której danych kontaktowych nie posiadamy w naszej bazie, bardzo prosimy żebyście przekazali tę informację dalej.

Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn! 

CarcosaCon is a unique, international convention, its target audience being the most devoted fans of Call of Cthulhu and other games set in the world of the Cthulhu Mythos, created by H.P. Lovecraft, who wish to experience a memorable weekend full of dread and terror.

CarcosaCon takes place over three spring days full of activities curated for gamers, in the atmospheric Czocha Castle near the Polish-Czech border. It is a one-of-a-kind opportunity to meet legendary RPG creators, talk and play with them in a low-key environment. What else is there, waiting for the players? The halls and chambers of the Czocha castle are full of nooks and crannies, perfect for RPG sessions, a games room full of Cthulhu-related games, a tavern hall, original lectures, an exciting LARP, a gripping escape room and dungeons filled with never-before uncovered, terrifying secrets. All this within a scenic castle overlooking a tranquil, yet mysterious lake.

CarcosaCon is an international convention, where the primary language used is English. The aim of the convention is to combine game-playing as a hobby with a weekend getaway with friends. The participants may choose to stay in the rooms available in the Czocha Castle itself for the night or in other facilities located nearby. The accommodation options provided also include boarding.


Guests of Honor

Francois ‘Goomi’ Launet

Born in 1971, François “Goomi” Launet originally discovered H. P. Lovecraft through role-playing games, and soon became addicted to this universe. He decided to study art to create dark atmospheres and creepy figures.

After classical studies, François started working with computer imagery, and currently works as a special effects supervisor and 3D artist for a movie and commercial company in Paris. He’s also a freelance illustrator for various projects, including dark role-playing illustrations (Call of Cthulhu, Wraith, and Kult), websites, and CD covers. Launet also writes the humorous Cthulhu-based webcomic, “UNSPEAKABLE VAULT (of Doom)”.

Penny Love

Penny Love has written numerous scenarios for Call of Cthulhu. Her work appears in Terror Australis, Sacraments of Evil, Fatal Experiments, Blood Brothers 2, Fearful Passages, Horror on the Orient Express, Mansions of Madness, De Horrore Cosmico (Golden Goblin Press), and Reign of Terror. She has plotted the upcoming 1890s campaign book The Curse of Seven. Her Lovecraftian fiction appears in Cthulhu’s Dark Cults, Made in Goatswood, Madness on the Orient Express, Heroes of Red Hook, Tales of Cthulhu Invictus and the World Fantasy Award winning anthology She Walks in Shadows. She looks forward to meeting the castle ghosts.

Allan Carey - TYPE40

TYPE 40 is Allan Carey. Allan makes props, especially nerdy ones, and he loves doing it.

As the name suggests, he started out making full-size TARDIS-style police boxes. In the years since he began, he’s made hundreds of high-end, highly desirable pieces for collectors, enthusiasts and celebrities including Chris Hemsworth and the late great Stan Lee. 

He uses his background as a qualified engineer, carpenter and set builder to make every item the best it can be, and his work has been featured in films and advertising, art galleries and museums.

Let’s Make Things!

Jason Bulmahn

Jason Bulmahn is the Director of Game Design at Paizo, responsible for the creation of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and the team leader for the Second Edition of the game. His credits include work all over the field including extensive writing for Pathfinder, Dungeons & Dragons, Star Trek, and more. He is also a regular streamer of Actual Play games on Twitch and YouTube, including the Knights of Everflame and the Oblivion Oath Pathfinder Second Edition shows. His work has earned him numerous awards for an excellent game and world design, including over two dozen ENnie Awards.

Roch Urbaniak

Painter, writer, storyteller. Author of two books for kids, a few short comics and lots of paintings. He can quote most of Star Wars and Aliens and still remembers where you can get the best sword in Baldur’s Gate 2. He can’t play any musical instrument though. He also sucks at football.

Mike Mason

Call of Cthulhu Creative Director. Award-winning game developer and the co-writer of the Call of Cthulhu 7th edition Keeper’s Rulebook, the Call of Cthulhu Starter Set, and Pulp Cthulhu, and is the lead writer and editor for the Call of Cthulhu line.

Mark Morrison

Mark Morrison has been writing scenarios for the Call of Cthulhu roleplaying game for 30 years, almost as long as Cthulhu has been asleep. His work includes editing the massive Horror on the Orient Express boxed campaign, as well as scenarios in H.P. Lovecraft’s Dreamlands, Mansions of Madness, Arkham Unveiled, Escape from Innsmouth and other books from Chaosium.

Mike O’Brien

Michael O’Brien (‘MOB’) is Vice President for Chaosium. His role encompasses creative development, community engagement, licensing, and MGF. MOB has been a long-time creative force for RuneQuest and Glorantha. His professional writing and editorial credits extend back to the early 1990s when he was associate editor of the Glorantha magazine Tales of the Reaching Moon.

Lynne Hardy

Lynne Hardy is Associate Editor for Chaosium’s Call of Cthulhu line. Lynne discovered roleplaying games back in the mists of time—or the early 1990s, as they’re more commonly known. The second game she ever played was Call of Cthulhu and, after writing and editing for companies such as Nightfall Games, Cubicle 7, and Pelgrane Press, she returned to the non-Euclidian fold to act as the lead writer, editor, and line developer on the multi-award winning Achtung! Cthulhu Kickstarter project for Modiphius Entertainment.

Jeff Richard

Jeff Richard is Vice President and Creative Director for Chaosium. He is the lead author of the Guide to Glorantha, HeroQuest Glorantha, and RuneQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha, as well as numerous other supplements and articles. Jeff has been the creative director and editor-in-chief of all things Glorantha since 2008.

Jason Durall

Jason Durall is Chaosium’s creative director for RuneQuest and Basic Roleplaying (BRP). A native of the Pacific Northwest, he ​has been playing and writing games for more than 35 years. He’s worked for a variety of other publishers ranging from Phage Press, Mongoose, White Wolf, Decipher, Guardians of Order, Margaret Weiss Productions, Cubicle 7, Rite Publishing, and Modiphius.

Sean Branney

Sean is a producer, actor, director and writer with the H.P. Lovecraft Historical Society which he runs with his nefarious colleague, Andrew Leman. He was intimately involved in the creation of the motion pictures The Call of Cthulhu and The Whisperer in Darkness, nineteen episodes of Dark Adventure Radio Theatre, and many other Lovecraftian projects.

Adam Wieczorek

Adam Wieczorek is the editor-in-chief of the Polish edition Call of Cthulhu game. He’s got 27 years of experience in roleplaying games, including 25 years running Call of Cthulhu. In that time he has written dozens of adventures and guidebooks for this system. He is the author or co-author of several Polish scenarios published for the current edition of the game (In the Shadow of the Lights, In Cold Blood, Indian Summer, The Secret of the Black Sarcophagus, Upside Down and The Crawling Counterrevolution).

Bjorn Flintberg

Björn Flintberg is the founder of Eloso AB, the Swedish licensee of Chaosium. After starting the company with several successful kids/family RPG, he picked up the Chaosium license in 2018. He has been writing game worlds and run games for more than 35 years and has been a convention producer and on the board of the national Swedish gamers’ association Sverok. He is the author of several Swedish game supplements and a serial entrepreneur as well. He actively plays everything from Call of Cthulhu and D&D to indie RPGs, or one of the 800 board games in his collection.

Guests of Honor

Mike Mason –  Call of Cthulhu Line Editor. Quite Possibly Mr. Shiny. Mike Mason is the co-writer of the Call of Cthulhu 7th edition Keeper’s Rulebook. Around the turn of the millennium, Mike edited and published The Whisperer, a zine devoted to Call of Cthulhu. In the intervening period Mike set up and ran the Kult of Keepers, a group of Call of Cthulhu scenario writers who organized the UK’s Cthulhu Nationals Tournament. Mike, no stranger to the arcane workings of games companies, previously worked for Games Workshop as Black Industries Line Manager for the Ennie Award winning Warhammer 40,000 RPG Dark Heresy before the line moved to FFG. Nowadays Mike lives in the small village of Gotham, near Nottingham, England, where legends speak of mad men, kings, and cuckoos.

Mark Morrison has been writing for Call of Cthulhu since the H.P.Lovecraft’s Dreamlands box set in 1986. His most recent book is the Reign of Terror supplement for playing Call of Cthulhu in the French Revolution. His biggest project was editing the massive campaign Horror on the Orient Express, which includes his scenario set in Zagreb. He helped with the storyline for the official Call of Cthulhu computer game from Focus Home Interactive, and he also makes Call of Cthulhu licensed products with his company Campaign Coins.

Multiple Origins, Golden Geek, and ENnie Award winner Kenneth Hite has designed, written, or co-authored over 100 RPG books, including GURPS Horror, Call of Cthulhu d20, The Day After Ragnarok, Trail of Cthulhu, Bookhounds of London, Qelong, Bubblegumshoe, the Delta Green RPG, The Fall of DELTA GREEN, The Dracula Dossier, Night’s Black Agents, and Vampire: the Masquerade 5th Edition. Half of the award-winning podcast Ken and Robin Talk About Stuff, he writes a regular column for Sweden’s Fenix magazine. His newest project, which he is working on with Jon Hodgson, is Hellenistika, a historical fantasy setting for D&D 5e. Outside gaming, his other works include two volumes of Tour de Lovecraft (the Tales and the Destinations), Cthulhu 101, The Thrill of Dracula, the annotated King in Yellow for Arc Dream Publishing, The Nazi Occult and The Cthulhu Wars (both for Osprey), several Cthulhu Mythos short stories, the “Lost in Lovecraft” column for Weird Tales, and four Lovecraftian children’s books. He is an Artistic Associate at Chicago’s WildClaw Theatre.

Robin D. Laws designed the GUMSHOE investigative roleplaying system, including such games as The Esoterrorists and Ashen Stars. Among his other acclaimed RPG credits are Feng Shui and HeroQuest. Recent highlights of his nine books of fiction are New Tales of the Yellow Sign, Blood of the City and The Worldwound Gambit. As Creative Director of Stone Skin Press he has edited such fiction anthologies as The New Hero, Shotguns v. Cthulhu, and The Lion and the Aardvark: Aesop’s New Fables. Upcoming projects include Hillfolk, the first game using the DramaSystem RPG rules for riveting personal conflict. With longtime collaborator Kenneth Hite he podcasts weekly on, Ken and Robin Talk About Stuff.

Jeff Richard is the award-winning Creative Director of Chaosium. He is also the lead author and artistic director of the Guide to Glorantha, RuneQuest, HeroQuest Glorantha, and the Prince of Sartar webcomic, as well as numerous other supplements and articles for these products, as well as for Call of Cthulhu, 13th Age, and other game systems.

Jason Durall is Chaosium’s line editor for RuneQuest and Basic Roleplaying (BRP).

After the obligatory first exposure to D&D, he almost immediately switched to Chaosium’s line of games. His first professional work was for Chaosium, with contributions to Elric!, Dragon Lords of Melnibone, the “Big Gold Book” for Basic Roleplaying, and some writing and consultancy on Magic World.

In addition to that, he’s worked for a variety of other publishers ranging from Phage Press, Mongoose, White Wolf, Decipher, Guardians of Order, Margaret Weiss Productions, Cubicle 7, Rite Publishing, and Modiphius. He’s best-known for Basic Roleplaying and has worked on Cthulhu/BRP-based games such as Magic World, The Laundry, World War Cthulhu, and Achtung! Cthulhu including Assault on the Mountains of Madness.

Rick Meints is the President of Chaosium. His career in the gaming industry started in the mid 90’s when he moved to the UK and helped with the layout for Tales of the Reaching Moon magazine. His Gloranthan and RuneQuest roots stem back to the late 70s. An avid RPG collector, his love of all of Chaosium’s publications, plus anything Gloranthan or RuneQuest in nature has earned him the nickname “Mr. Suitcase” (or “Monsieur Valise”, as he is known on the Continent). His Meints Index to Glorantha is the comprehensive product guide to all Gloranthan publications, games, conventions, and miniatures produced from 1975 to 1997. In 1999, Rick founded Moon Design Publications, with the launch of the Gloranthan Classics line of reprints of classic RQ2 material.

Michael O’Brien is Vice President for Chaosium. Better known in the gaming community as “MOB”, his role encompasses creative development, community engagement, licensing, and MGF (‘maximum game fun’). His professional writing and editorial credits extend back to the early 1990s when he was associate editor of the Glorantha magazine Tales of the Reaching Moon and author for RuneQuest 3rd edition. Recent credits include the Gold ENnie award-winning Call of Cthulhu the Coloring Book (creator/art direction), Miskatonic University: The Restricted Collection (development), Khan of Khans (development), Terror Australis (editorial), 13th Age Glorantha (art direction), and The Glorantha Sourcebook (contributor).

Susan O’Brien is Chaosium’s board games line editor. Most recently she has been working with game design legend Reiner Knizia on his two titles for Chaosium – the double Gold ENnie-award winning Khan of Khans, set in Greg Stafford’s Glorantha, and the recently-released Miskatonic University: The Restricted Collection, a Call of Cthulhu-themed board game. More card and board game projects with other notable designers are in the pipeline, including Pedro Zivani’s Red Thread of Fate and a new edition of Chris Gidlow’s Credo.

Several years ago Susan and MOB and their two sons returned to their home city of Melbourne, Australia, after a decade living abroad in the Middle East.

Neil Robinson is Chaosium’s Chief Operating Officer. He has worked on financial systems in the public and private sectors for over 20 years, assisting in financials implementations on five continents. He is an avid gamer and game developer, co-authoring the LARP Fall of the House of Malan, editing and publishing the magazine Enclosure, running Canada’s first GloranthaCon gaming convention, and contributing to the Moon Design Publications product lines.

Andrew Leman grew up in the suburbs of Denver, Colorado, in a large family that owned a publishing company. He was surrounded by books, graphic design, and handcrafting from an early age. Fascinated by the 1920s/’30s, he is one of the founding members of the H. P. Lovecraft Historical Society, and has produced a number of literary, film, theatrical, music, props and gaming projects there with his longtime friend and collaborator Sean Branney. He wrote and directed the first HPLHS student film, The Testimony of Randolph Carter, directed The Call of Cthulhu, and co-wrote and co-produced The Whisperer in Darkness. He co-writes, produces, and performs in the Dark Adventure Radio Theatre series. He co-created the HPLHS musical sensations A Shoggoth on the Roof, two albums of Lovecraftian holiday music, the jazz vocal album Ogham Waite: Live at the Gilman House, and The Curious Sea Shanties of Innsmouth, Mass.

Sean Branney together with his colleague, Andrew Leman, founded and continues to run the H.P. Lovecraft Historical Society in Glendale, California. With the HPLHS, Sean has co-produced the films The Call of Cthulhu and The Whisperer in Darkness. Sean adapted The Call of Cthulhu for the screen and directed The Whisperer in Darkness. He’s been a writer, performer and producer of sixteen feature-length 1930s-style radio dramas for the acclaimed series Dark Adventure Radio Theatre. He’s also co-written and co-produced a variety of Lovecraftian musical projects, including A Shoggoth on the Roof, A Very Scary Solstice, An Even Scarier Solstice and The Curious Sea Shanties of Innsmouth, Mass. He continues to explore new ways to share Lovecraft’s cosmic horror with new audiences.

In addition to his Lovecraftian pursuits, Sean regularly plays ice hockey and plays with his four chinchillas. He’s delighted to be Leslie’s husband and Aidan’s dad.


The Czocha Castle (German: Tzsocha) was erected in the mid-13th century to serve as a border stronghold. In the Middle Ages, it passed on from one distinguished family to another. Unfortunately, in the year 1793, a great fire devoured the Castle almost wholly, including the archives kept since the Middle Ages, which in turn resulted in the fact that many of its secrets remain buried… In 1902 the Castle was purchased for 1.5 million marks by a tobacco tycoon from Dresden, Ernst von Gutschow, who almost immediately began the remodeling process of the property. Rumour has it that during the 2nd World War, the Castle was home to the Abwehr Deciphering School. However, there is no evidence supporting this thesis. Gutschow lived in the castle until 1945, then died a year later under mysterious circumstances… You can learn more about the castle’s many mysteries during a guided tour! ATTENTION! Due to its historical nature and architecture, there are no facilities for the disabled in the Castle. There are no elevators or wheelchair ramps; instead, there is a fair amount of narrow staircases.

The Czocha Castle is located 3 km eastward from Leśna.
Full address:
The Czocha Castle, Sucha, 59-820 Lesna, POLAND
GPS: 51°01’44.6″N 15°18’08.4″E

How to get there

CarcosaCon starts at Thursday, April 8th 2021 and ends at 3 PM Saturday, April 11th 2021 .
Czocha Castle hotel check-in time is 12 PM, check-out is 12 PM as well.

For an additional fee, you can join us for Wednesday evening as well. Wednesday pre-registration starts at 6 PM and “meet & greet party” is at 9 PM.


DAY ZERO: Wednesday, 8 April 2021 (additional ticket applies)
3 PM pre-registration and hotel check-in starts
9 PM meet & greet party

DAY 1: Thursday, 9 April 2021 (regular tickets)
3 PM registration and hotel check-in starts
4 PM program starts

DAY 3: Saturday, 11 April 2021
12 PM hotel check-out
3 PM CarcosaCon ends

There will be a luggage locker room available in case you arrive/leave outside of hotel check-in/out hours.

There will be no possibility for you to extend your stay until Sunday, due to the event that will take place at Czocha Castle from Saturday evening.

From Berlin (and north-western Germany): after reaching the A10 Berliner Ring, take exit Schonefelder Kreuz, south on the A13 towards Dresden/Cottbus. Then exit onto the A15 towards Cottbus, leaving Cottbus behind, stay on the A15, cross the Polish border and travel the A18 road until you reach the Lubań exit on the D296, travelling south. Then travel further south for approximately 50 km on the 296 road, until you reach Lubań. When in Lubań, take the DW393 road further south towards Leśna. In Leśna, right after you get off the bridge, at the traffic lights, turn left into Pocztowa street, then right into Krótka street, and left again into Sienkiewicza street. Next, at the large intersection, turn left slightly into Reja street, then Lechów and go straight ahead for 3 km to reach the Czocha Castle.

From Dresden (or Leipzig/Munich and south-eastern Germany): Travel east on the A4 towards Gorlitz. Right after you cross the Polish border, take the Zgorzelec exit and travel south on road no. 30, after approximately 2 km, at the roundabout near Castorama, take the third exit left towards Lubań, staying on road no. 30 until you reach Lubań. When in Lubań, take the DW393 road further south towards Leśna. In Leśna, right after you get off the bridge, at the traffic lights, turn left into Pocztowa street, then right into Krótka street, and left again into Sienkiewicza street. Next, at the large intersection, turn left slightly into Reja street, then Lechów and go straight ahead for 3 km to reach the Czocha Castle.

From Wrocław (or the south-east of Poland): travel west on the A4 highway towards Zgorzelec and take the Godzieszów exit. Then travel south towards Lubań via road no.DW296. When in Lubań, take the DW393 road further south towards Leśna. In Leśna, right after you get off the bridge, at the traffic lights, turn left into Pocztowa street, then right into Krótka street, and left again into Sienkiewicza street. Next, at the large intersection, turn left slightly into Reja street, then Lechów and go straight ahead for 3 km to reach the Czocha Castle.

From Poznan (or north-western Poland): travel west on the A2 highway towards Berlin and take the Świebodzin exit. Then travel south on the S3 road towards Zielona Góra, until you reach Nowa Sól. From Nowa Sól, take the DW297 road, south through Kożuchów, Szprotawa, until you reach the Golnice A18 entrance. Take the A18 towards Wrocław, after travelling approximately 2 km, enter the A4 highway and travel towards Zgorzelec, then get off the highway at the Godzieszów exit.  Then travel towards Lubań via road no.DW296. When in Lubań, take the DW393 road further south towards Leśna. In Leśna, right after you get off the bridge, at the traffic lights, turn left into Pocztowa street, then right into Krótka street, and left again into Sienkiewicza street. Next, at the large intersection, turn left slightly into Reja street, then Lechów and go straight ahead for 3 km to reach the Czocha Castle.

From Prague and the Czech Republic: from Prague, travel north on the A10 highway until you reach exit no. 71, travel northward towards Liberec, taking roads 35 and 442. After leaving Liberec, exit northward onto road no. 13 and stay on the road until you reach Frydlant. In Frydlant, turn right towards Krasny Les and Dolni Resnice. After passing Dolni Resnice, turn left onto the road towards Srbska and Lesna, which will lead to you to the Czech-Polish border and then to Leśna. On the Market Square in Leśna, turn right into Sienkiewicza Street and after 500 meters on the large intersection, turn left slightly into Reja street, continue on Lechów and straight ahead for 3 km until you reach the Czocha Castle.

There are 3 parking lots near the castle, one located to the left within the premises of the manor, another one on the other side of the street, behind the wall, near the silos. The third one is located 100 m further away, on the left, travelling towards Złotniki.

Below is a list of nearest airports with links to their connection maps:

  1. Wroclaw WRO (PL) 173km/1h 50′ by car:
  2. Dresden DRS (DE) 138km/1h 40′ by car:
  3. Prague PRG (CZ) 165km/2h 50′ by car:
  4. Berlin Schonefeld SXF (DE) 227km/2h 50′ by car:
  5. Berlin Tegel TXL (DE) 257km/3h 10′ by car:
  6. Leipzig/Halle LEJ (DE) 256km/3h 10′ by car:

We do not recommend this option due to small number of public transportation on a last part of the trip between Luban and Czocha Castle.

The nearest train station is in Luban, 16km from Czocha Castle. First you need to arrive to Wroclaw, it has train connections with Dresden, Berlin and Prague. You can get from Wroclaw to Luban by train about 4-5 times a day, train trip takes about 2,5h. After arrival to Luban, you need to walk 500m from train station to small bus stop at “ul. 7.Dywizji” ( and take a small bus to Lesna, bus leaves every hour. After you get to Lesna, you need to hitchhike to Czocha Castle or walk about 3,5km. You may push your luck and pay the bus driver not to leave you in Lesna, but to drive directly to Czocha Castle.


ATTENTION! When you buy tickets with accommodation via our website, you will be located in The Czocha Castle! 

CASTLE ROOMS – Hotel rooms in the main part of the Czocha Castle. Dormitory rooms, with a combination of double and single beds are available. The rooms are heated, equipped with a TV, most of them have an en suite bathroom and toilet, however for some bathrooms and toilets in the halls are available. This option is a half-board accommodation option, with breakfasts and dinner included in the price. There is a restaurant and a cafe in the castle, serving beverages, lunches and additional meals not included in the initial price of the stay. The castle is equipped with a free WI-FI and parking spaces. After prior arrangement, the sauna and spa can be used at an additional cost.

ATTENTION! Due to its historical nature and architecture, there are no facilities for the disabled in the Castle. There are no elevators or wheelchair ramps, instead there is a fair amount of narrow staircases.

ATTENTION! This is not The Czocha Castle, this is the hotel nearby! The Con organizers do not help to rent rooms in this hotel. Visit the >> << page to book a room by yourself.

Czocha Hotel is located 1.6 km from the Czocha Castle, near the Leśnianska Dam. The distance between the hotel and the Castle can be traveled in 15 minutes walking, however a free shuttle bus will also be available. The rooms are equipped with en suite bathroom, toilet, WI-FI and a TV. There is a restaurant at the hotel, serving beverages, lunches and additional meals.

ATTENTION! This is not The Czocha Castle, this is the hotel nearby! The organizers do not arrange to rent rooms in this hotel. Visit the >> << page or call hotel directly at tel:+48 757211392 or email them: to book a room by yourself.

Złoty Sen (Golden Dream) resort is located 2.9 km from the Czocha Castle. The distance between the hotel and the Castle can be traveled in approximately 5 minutes by a shuttle bus available free of charge. There is a bowling alley and a spa with a sauna available at the facility. The rooms are equipped with a fridge, WI-FI, satellite TV, a kettle and have an en suite bathroom with a shower. There is a restaurant at the Złoty Sen facility, serving beverages, lunches and additional meals. The parking at the hotel is free of charge.


CarcosaCon distilled the essence of Cthulhu roleplaying into one weekend: knowledge, camaraderie, and a haunted castle. It was also one of the most professional, smooth-running first conventions I’ve ever attended.

CarcosaCon was a wonderful experience: from the stunning venue (perfect for a horror-based convention) to the enthusiastic attendees. It was lovely to be among such illustrious guests and such friendly gamers, all looked after by the excellent convention organisers.

I had a great time at CarcosCon – the castle is very atmospheric, the food was fantastic, and the people very welcoming. The whole convention is well organised and perfect for a weekend of great games, talks, and socialising – with the majority of the events in English.  I had a wonderful time!

Call of Cthulhu thrives on atmosphere, isolation and shadows. CarcosaCon at Czocha Castle has all that, plus incredible hosts and wonderful fellow gamers from around the world. It is an unforgettable experience, and the best possible place to lose your sanity for a weekend!

Friendly, relaxed, and well-run, Carcosa Con would be a must-go game event even without its perfect venue. What seminar isn’t improved by having someone arrive through a secret passageway?



Send us message!

2 + 4 = ?


CarcosaCon is organized by Black Monk Games, gaming publisher responsible for Polish edition of RPG games: Call of Cthulhu, My Little Pony: Tales of Equestria RPG and board games: Munchkin, Fluxx, Gloom, Monster Slaughter and many more.
Our team members work in the gaming industry for over 15 years, including organizing the biggest Polish fantasy convention “Pyrkon”. Black Monk Games is the official license partner of Chaosium Inc.